I’m Don Kelly, sole proprietor of Blueberry Woodworks for more than 40 years. The range of work goes from drawer pulls to porch posts, replacement chair parts to a stairway’s worth of balusters, rosettes- plain turned or carved, finials, spirals, just about anything that’s round and made of wood.

There is a wide range of ways to start a project too. Having a good sample for a pattern is ideal. A full size drawing is always good. But designs can come from your sketch, a pic clipped from a magazine or scanned from a book. I once made a set of porch posts from an image on an antique post card. When the details are a bit lacking I can do a drawing for approval.

Questions? Ideas?

Don Kelly/ Blueberry Woodworks

208 West Hill Road

Plainfield, MA 01070

tel- 413-634-2186 cell 413-207-4390
